Stone Cold Steve Austin Gives Definite Answer to the Question of “One More Match?”


A few days ago, a question arose of whether Stone Cold Steve Austin had one more wrestling match left in him. Well, that question was quickly answered, as the WWE Hall of Famer will not be competing in the squared circle ever again. Stone Cold’s last captivating match of his career was against Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38. During an episode of A&E’s Biography series, Stone Cold said, “I walked away, I’m happy with what I did. There are people who have done more and lasted more, but I’ve had a good career and I’m happy with it. I have nothing to prove to anyone.” Since that match against Owens, ended on a high note, it makes sense that the Texas Rattlesnake decided to hang it up, especially since he was 57 years old during the time of that match.

Stone Cold’s 3:16 promo at the 1996 King of the Ring Tournament, cemented one of the best eras of wrestling. With Stone Cold on the rise during the Attitude Era, he was becoming one of the top if not the top wrestlers in the business against others like The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H, and Bret Hart. He’s a six-time WWE Champion, two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion, and a four-time WWF Tag-Team Champion. Stone Cold was also the first wrestler to win three Royal Rumbles, winning back in 1997, 1998, and 2001. During the 1997 SummerSlam event, Stone Cold suffered a serious neck injury that paralyzed him in the ring for a few minutes after taking a botched pile driver from Owen Hart. After making a full recovery, the WWE Hall of Famer competed for a few more years until officially retiring at WrestleMania 19 in 2003. His one-off match with Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38 in 2022, made it a long-awaited 19-year wait as the Texas Rattlesnake won his No Holds Barred Match against the prizefighter.

There is no doubt that Stone Cold is one of the best to step in the wrestling ring. As he stated he may not have wrestled as long as some of the other guys or won as many championships, but he created a solid, impactful, and memorable career in the WWE. No one will be able to create the aura Stone Cold has done in the ring, whether that’s his “What?” catchphrase, driving his ATV, or monster truck down to the ring, and downing a cold one after every match, no one could hold a crowd more than the Texas Rattlesnake. His career will always stand out as being top-tier, and certainly deserves all the flowers possible.

Keith Brunner Jr.

Keith Brunner Jr. graduated in May of 2021 at Pace University with a Film and Screen Studies degree with a concentration in Screenwriting. However, that hasn’t stopped his undeniable passion for sports!


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