How WWE Should Book Seth Rollins When He Returns


As WWE fans wait for Seth "Freaking" Rollins’ return from injury, WWE faces a dilemma. With his injury, Seth Rollins went from being in the main event to possibly not showing up at next year's Royal Rumble. Rollins’ return should be a surprise without people spoiling the surprise. The Royal Rumble seems like the event to return, however, he should return when he is healthy. Fans do not want Seth Rollins returning early and then being injured again. A shock factor will make fans interested in his return again and create buzz on social media. Seth Rollins’ gimmick should be something new like an updated version of the Architect or Messiah. The visionary gimmick is not bad, except it does not work when his opponents keep talking about his clothes. 

Seth Rollins should come up with a new gimmick. He should retain some elements of his current gimmick. He should be focused on winning the World Heavyweight Championship again. The way WWE should book him is him costing CM Punk at the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber. Long-term storytelling is what WWE should aim for. For now, Seth Rollins does not seem like a heel or face; instead, he acts like a tweener. When he comes back, he should be a heel costing CM Punk and Drew McIntyre their matches. It would prove his worth as a main eventer and cement his legacy as a great heel. He already made a name for himself, yet winning the championship one last time would cement it even more. 

Overall, WWE should book Seth Rollins’ return like how Roman Reigns returns. Let him return as a face then attack his opponents. Seth Rollins needs to be in the main event picture before WrestleMania 41. His WrestleMania moment was overshined by Roman Reigns and The Rock. This time, WWE should book Seth Rollins vs. CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Champion. It could not happen this year since CM Punk was injured. The man who replaced CM Punk in the match was Drew McIntyre. As Seth “Freaking” Rollins recovers from injury, WWE should think about booking him as a main eventer. 


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