NASCAR Previews First Electric Model

Over the past few years, electric cars have really been taking over the market. Though they were at one point relatively uncommon, we’ve seen brands such as Tesla spike up tremendous amounts, and even other car brands begin to implement electricity into their catalogs. It was only a matter of time, but this trend has made its way over to the NASCAR world, as the league recently showed the world an electric SUV that was crafted for motorsport. Though NASCAR executives are firm on the idea that the league will stay using fuel-burning cars in the near future, this innovation will likely play a huge role in the future, and it says a lot about not only how far electric cars have come, but the direction that the science/technology world is headed in. 

Riley Nelson, who is NASCAR’s head of sustainability, said, “The combustion engine is our core product, and that will remain so for the coming future.” It should be noted, though, that this vehicle has some serious power. The car can produce up to 1300 horsepower, almost twice the amount of the fuel-powered cars that NASCAR currently uses. The car was put together by ABB, a manufacturing unit that centers itself on electrical vehicle groundwork and is largely responsible for Formula 1’s electric racing branch, Formula E. It can also be said that this showcase will have effects on the perception of electric cars throughout the NASCAR fanbase, which is a pretty large one. Millions of people are now being introduced to this, some likely for the first time, and though some fans may hate it, some may become fascinated with electric cars and even look into one for themselves. 

NASCAR has said they want to make it clear that these will not be implemented any time soon, and it’s understandable why. However, showcasing the car, as a business decision, was a great move by the league in my opinion. We’ve seen similar breakthroughs, and on higher levels, from counterparts such as Formula 1, and it makes sense for NASCAR to indulge in this world. It will be exciting to see what the future holds.

Morgan Small

Morgan Small is a 19-year-old student at the University of Albany. He resides on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.


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